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Project-based approach to career-connected learning
An innovative choice high school serving grades 9–12 in Lacey, Washington

Meet Our Leadership

From Principal LaRock

Principal LaRock with two Envision students

Dear Envision Community,

It is my heartfelt honor to serve as the principal of Envision Career Academy, one of North Thurston’s innovative choice schools. Envision is an ideal match for my 20+ years in education and background in carpentry and furniture crafting.

Most recently, prior to Envision, I served North Thurston Public Schools as the assistant principal at Seven Oaks Elementary. Prior to my work here in North Thurston, I served as the Director of Teaching and Learning and later Principal of The American School of Bangkok. I have served as assistant principal and interim principal in Seattle Public Schools, taught elementary, middle, and alternative high school for several years in the Mercer Island school district, and I have had the pleasure of teaching in City University’s College of Education masters program. In another life, I was a carpenter building and remodeling custom homes, cabinets, furniture, and several West African Ashiko drums. Yes, I am a drummer. 

What I love about Envision Career Academy is its personable, hands-on, innovative, learning-by-doing approach. It is a place where students can truly express themselves, authentically lead, and explore their gifts and talents as global citizens. I enjoy serving the Envision learning community and collaborating with you on this journey as we ensure success for each of our students. 

My very best to you all,

Brody LaRock

Proud to be a Fyre Gryphon!